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Version: 9.x

pnpm -r, --recursive

别名:mmultirecursive<command> -r

¥Aliases: m, multi, recursive, <command> -r


¥Runs a command in every project of a workspace, when used with the following commands:

  • install

  • list

  • outdated

  • publish

  • rebuild

  • remove

  • unlink

  • update

  • why


¥Runs a command in every project of a workspace, excluding the root project, when used with the following commands:

  • exec

  • run

  • test

  • add

如果你希望即使在运行脚本时也包含根项目,请将 include-workspace-root 设置设置为 true

¥If you want the root project be included even when running scripts, set the include-workspace-root setting to true.


¥Usage example:

pnpm -r publish



  • 默认:false

    ¥Default: false

  • 类型:true, false, deep

    ¥Type: true, false, deep

将 monorepo 工作区中本地可用的包链接到 node_modules,而不是从注册表重新下载它们。这模拟了类似于 yarn workspaces 的功能。

¥Link locally available packages in workspaces of a monorepo into node_modules instead of re-downloading them from the registry. This emulates functionality similar to yarn workspaces.

当设置为 deep 时,本地包也可以链接到子依赖。

¥When this is set to deep, local packages can also be linked to subdependencies.

请注意,建议使用 npmrc 来进行此设置,以在所有环境中强制执行相同的行为。此选项的存在只是为了让你可以在必要时覆盖它。

¥Be advised that it is encouraged instead to use npmrc for this setting, to enforce the same behaviour in all environments. This option exists solely so you may override that if necessary.


  • 默认:4

    ¥Default: 4

  • 类型:数字

    ¥Type: Number

设置同时运行的最大任务数。对于无限并发,请使用 Infinity

¥Set the maximum number of tasks to run simultaneously. For unlimited concurrency use Infinity.

你可以将 workpace-concurrency 设置为 <= 0,它将使用主机的核心数量:max(1, (number of cores) - abs(workspace-concurrency))

¥You can set the workpace-concurrency as <= 0 and it will use amount of cores of the host as: max(1, (number of cores) - abs(workspace-concurrency))


  • 默认:true

    ¥Default: true

  • 类型:布尔值

    ¥Type: Boolean

如果为 true,则在任务引发错误时停止。

¥If true, stops when a task throws an error.

此配置不会影响退出代码。即使使用 --no-bail,所有任务都将完成,但如果任何任务失败,该命令将以非零代码退出。

¥This config does not affect the exit code. Even if --no-bail is used, all tasks will finish but if any of the tasks fail, the command will exit with a non-zero code.


¥Example (run tests in every package, continue if tests fail in one of them):

pnpm -r --no-bail test


  • 默认:true

    ¥Default: true

  • 类型:布尔值

    ¥Type: Boolean

true 时,包按拓扑排序(依赖位于依赖之前)。通过 --no-sort 禁用。

¥When true, packages are sorted topologically (dependencies before dependents). Pass --no-sort to disable.



pnpm -r --no-sort test


  • 默认:false

    ¥Default: false

  • 类型:boolean

    ¥Type: boolean

true 时,包的顺序相反。

¥When true, the order of packages is reversed.

pnpm -r --reverse run clean

--filter <package_selector>


¥Read more about filtering.