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Version: 10.x

pnpm patch <pkg>

准备一个用于修补的包(受到 Yarn 中类似命令的启发)。

¥Prepare a package for patching (inspired by a similar command in Yarn).


¥This command will cause a package to be extracted in a temporary directory intended to be editable at will.

完成更改后,运行 pnpm patch-commit <path><path> 是你收到的临时目录)以生成补丁文件并通过 patchedDependencies 字段将其注册到顶层清单中。

¥Once you're done with your changes, run pnpm patch-commit <path> (with <path> being the temporary directory you received) to generate a patchfile and register it into your top-level manifest via the patchedDependencies field.



pnpm patch <pkg name>@<version>

如果要更改包的依赖,请不要使用修补程序来修改包的 package.json 文件。要覆盖依赖,请使用 overrides包钩子

¥If you want to change the dependencies of a package, don't use patching to modify the package.json file of the package. For overriding dependencies, use overrides or a package hook.



--edit-dir <dir>


¥The package that needs to be patched will be extracted to this directory.



¥Ignore existing patch files when patching.