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Version: 9.x

pnpm prune


¥Removes unnecessary packages.




删除 devDependencies 中指定的软件包。

¥Remove the packages specified in devDependencies.


删除 optionalDependencies 中指定的软件包。

¥Remove the packages specified in optionalDependencies.


prune 命令当前不支持在 monorepo 上递归执行。要仅在 monorepo 中安装生产依赖,可以删除 node_modules 文件夹,然后使用 pnpm install --prod 重新安装。

¥The prune command does not support recursive execution on a monorepo currently. To only install production-dependencies in a monorepo node_modules folders can be deleted and then re-installed with pnpm install --prod.