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Version: 10.x

使用 Git



你应该始终提交锁定文件 (pnpm-lock.yaml)。造成这种情况的原因有很多,其中最主要的是:

¥You should always commit the lockfile (pnpm-lock.yaml). This is for a multitude of reasons, the primary of which being:

  • 由于能够跳过包解析,它可以更快地安装 CI 和生产环境

    ¥it enables faster installation for CI and production environments, due to being able to skip package resolution

  • 它在开发、测试和生产环境之间强制执行一致的安装和解决方案,这意味着测试和生产中使用的包将与开发项目时完全相同

    ¥it enforces consistent installations and resolution between development, testing, and production environments, meaning the packages used in testing and production will be exactly the same as when you developed your project


¥Merge conflicts

pnpm 可以自动解决 pnpm-lock.yaml 中的合并冲突。如果有冲突,只需运行 pnpm install 并提交更改。

¥pnpm can automatically resolve merge conflicts in pnpm-lock.yaml. If you have conflicts, just run pnpm install and commit the changes.

但请注意。建议你在提交提交之前检查更改,因为我们不能保证 pnpm 会选择正确的头 - 相反,它使用最新的锁定文件构建,这在大多数情况下都是理想的。

¥Be warned, however. It is advised that you review the changes prior to staging a commit, because we cannot guarantee that pnpm will choose the correct head - it instead builds with the most updated of lockfiles, which is ideal in most cases.